Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Uh oh, we're in Trouble...

There is an explanation for the sporadic posts on My Melbourne lately. I have been slightly pre-occupied with a fabulous little publication called Trouble.

Trouble may be small in size, but its message is mighty and it’s the essential monthly guide for art exhibitions, particularly Melbourne.

Produced monthly, Trouble is available from numerous art galleries, museums, cafes, theatres, libraries and various stores around Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Tasmania as well as regional Victoria and NSW. Check Trouble’s website for a complete list of distributors.

Look out for my monthly column, Melburnin’, which reviews what’s hot on Melbourne’s exhibition circuit

I have also written a feature article on the delicious exhibition, Sunday’s Kitchen Food and Living at Heide in this month’s issue.

I hope you enjoy them…now go get into Trouble!

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