Thursday, July 29, 2010

Run Melbourne, Run!

As a proud Melburnian and passionate runner, it would be unacceptable not to participate in the Melbourne Marathon event in some way. With 5.7km, 10km, half marathon and full marathon distances, as well 4km walk and 2.5km run for kids, there’s something for everyone. It’s been too long since I last ran a half marathon, so this is my distance of choice. Now it’s time to get serious and start training like I mean it.

I have always been a fan of Runner’s World magazines, subscribing to the monthly UK publication to keep my enthusiasm up through the endless winter months when running outside was less than appealing. The magazine soon led me to the Runner’s World website - a wealth of practical, realistic information that will keep you on track. This plethora of info really comes into its own with the training schedules on offer. A comprehensive training schedule takes the guess work out of what you need to do to drag yourself round the course on the day, or set the next event record. You can even program it with your Garmin!

I plan to bore you with more training stories in the lead up to the event, and hope you return the favour. I would love to hear your comments, challenges and advice if you are participating in the event, or supporting/coaching someone who is.

To register (go on, you can do it!) go to

Now, where did I put my trainers???...

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