Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Bowerbird Project

Have you ever noticed how many royal blue objects there are around Melbourne? I kid you not; keep your eyes open the next time you are out and about in the city - they are everywhere!
To celebrate these marvellous splashes of colours that liven up our gorgeous city, I am embarking on a little project called Bowerbird, named after the little bird that has a penchant for all things blue…check out my discoveries so far…more to come!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Shop Sense discussion, State Library of Victoria

The exhilaration and delight children experience from an Easter egg hunt is comparable to the an adult’s shopping experience explains Dr Jonica Newby, presenter of Catalyst, ABV TV and chair of State Library of Victoria’s recent talk, Shop Sense. It would seem that from a young age, children naturally possess the “hunter/gatherer” instinct with minimal adult influence.

The evening commenced with a quick quiz from Newby, who asked audience members to stand up if they were wearing anything that they had not set out intentionally to purchase. The resounding response was at least three quarters of the group standing, highlighting that shopping is largely driven by an impulsive “hunter/gatherer” instinct, similar to that experienced in children on an Easter egg hunt.

The Shop Sense discussion was part of a series of events run in conjunction with the library’s ’Til You Drop Shopping a Melbourne History exhibition that concludes 31 October. Guests speakers included Dennis Paphitis, founder of Aesop and Dr Colin McLeod, Executive Director, Australian Centre for Retail Studies, Monash University.
There are three main reasons why we shop, explained McLeod:
1. Risk
2. Convenience
3. Enjoyment

McLeod continued, adding that “women exchange sex for comfort and safety”, which loosely translates that women would exchange sex for shopping (comfort and safety).
Newby supports the notion that shopping can make us feel better. A successful shopping transaction is dependent on the customer being able to visualise the benefits/end use of their purchase. ie. a dress that makes them feel great or “owning something that enhances our sense of self” says Newby.

Before Catalyst, Newby was a fully trained vet, making the move into journalism as presenter of five part series for ABC TV, The Animal Attraction. Newby recognises many similarities between human and animal behaviours. For example, the positive enhancement of our appearance is similar to the animal grooming instinct. Animals often “self-groom” when they are stressed. Grooming becomes an action that sooths, explains Newby In a similar way, humans often relish time to themselves when they are preparing for a night out or even just the day ahead.

A successful shopping experience will stimulate all of our senses, ie. vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and even our brain. McLeod believes that when it comes to shopping, “touch is the most important sense we have”. Ironically, touch is often discouraged in retail. Denying one of our most important senses will inhibit our means of discovering products and in turn our decision-making ability.
Paphitis agrees, saying the flooring is an important element in all Aesop stores. Differentiating the store flooring to the pavement outside reassures the customer that they are in another zone. Natural flooring with texture, such as matting and wood are used to highlight different areas in the store, whilst providing subtle texture.

McLeod’s favourite retail experience is his local coffee shop, which ticks all the sensory boxes. A passion for producing amazing coffee is evident with the tantalising aroma of coffee brewing as soon as you walk through the door. Subtly, the experience is further enhanced with bags of fresh coffee beans piled on the floor for visual impact and coffee tasting notes written on black boards to educate customers on the nuances of high-quality coffee.

It’s the little things in a store that matter; the smell (pleasant, yet subtle), the music (unobtrusive), the temperature (not to hot or cold, but more pleasant than outside) and most importantly the sales staffs’ interaction with customers i.e. knowing when to start conversation and crucially, when to back off.
Paphitis likens each of his stores to charms on a charm bracelet – they are unique but all need to be connected. Although all Aesop stores share the same back-end systems, they are designed to integrate with their local area. For example, staff in the Fitzroy store are encouraged to wear jeans for a more relaxed, casual feel that will relate to their customer. However, the Collins Street store has a polished, darker finish designed to appeal to the male customers in city.

The ‘local touch’ extends further in international Aesop stores. Recycled light-coloured wooden hoarding boards (typically used on construction sites throughout Zurich) have been sourced and used in Aesop’s Zurich store. Reusing these boards reinforce Aesop’s support of the environment through recycling, and also recreate an environment that is familiar and comfortable for city customers.

The evening revealed a couple more intriguing retail truths. Many audience members were astounded to learn that men are more impulsive shoppers than women.
Whatever our motivation for shopping, the future certainly seems bright thanks to our instinctual “hunter and gatherer” characteristics and eternal quest to please our senses. Fortunately, there is no shortage of skilled, passionate retailers jostling to delight our senses in exchange for our custom.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Victoria on a plate

People of Southbank, have World got a special event for you this September! Put Victoria On Your Table celebrates spring with a different spring lamb dish and complementary half bottle of Hirsch Hill Cabernet Sauvignon everyday next month from 12pm to 11pm. A variety of lamb dishes will be served throughout the month, from backstrap to scrumptious rack of lamb. Come on down and lap up the spring sunshine on the banks of the Yarra whilst enjoying a delicious meal washed down with a cracking wine.

Prices start from $25 per person (depending on dish).

For bookings, call 03 9690 6999,

World Restaurant and Bar, Shop 4 Building 2, Riverside Quay, Southbank

Monday, August 16, 2010

Check out the latest art exhibitions and events on around Melbourne this month in my monthly column for Trouble:

Relief from winter colds and flu: A hearty dose of August Trouble

Suggestions of upcoming events in September/October are welcome for my next column so if you have something groovy planned, get in touch…

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Run Melbourne, Run!

As a proud Melburnian and passionate runner, it would be unacceptable not to participate in the Melbourne Marathon event in some way. With 5.7km, 10km, half marathon and full marathon distances, as well 4km walk and 2.5km run for kids, there’s something for everyone. It’s been too long since I last ran a half marathon, so this is my distance of choice. Now it’s time to get serious and start training like I mean it.

I have always been a fan of Runner’s World magazines, subscribing to the monthly UK publication to keep my enthusiasm up through the endless winter months when running outside was less than appealing. The magazine soon led me to the Runner’s World website - a wealth of practical, realistic information that will keep you on track. This plethora of info really comes into its own with the training schedules on offer. A comprehensive training schedule takes the guess work out of what you need to do to drag yourself round the course on the day, or set the next event record. You can even program it with your Garmin!

I plan to bore you with more training stories in the lead up to the event, and hope you return the favour. I would love to hear your comments, challenges and advice if you are participating in the event, or supporting/coaching someone who is.

To register (go on, you can do it!) go to

Now, where did I put my trainers???...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Melbourne loves you

Ah the quirks of Melbourne...the above message bought a smile to my face yesterday - wonder if you can identify where it is? (Hint: it's located near Melbourne's art precinct). And for all those going through a tough time at the moment, take heart, Melbourne loves you!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Uh oh, we're in Trouble...

There is an explanation for the sporadic posts on My Melbourne lately. I have been slightly pre-occupied with a fabulous little publication called Trouble.

Trouble may be small in size, but its message is mighty and it’s the essential monthly guide for art exhibitions, particularly Melbourne.

Produced monthly, Trouble is available from numerous art galleries, museums, cafes, theatres, libraries and various stores around Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, Tasmania as well as regional Victoria and NSW. Check Trouble’s website for a complete list of distributors.

Look out for my monthly column, Melburnin’, which reviews what’s hot on Melbourne’s exhibition circuit

I have also written a feature article on the delicious exhibition, Sunday’s Kitchen Food and Living at Heide in this month’s issue.

I hope you enjoy them…now go get into Trouble!