Thursday, October 29, 2009

Racy at the Races

Get ahead with the hottest hairstyles this Spring Racing season.
It’s all in the detail – a complementary hairstyle with your hat or Fascinator perfects your look whilst preventing post-race ‘hat hair’. Stylish (and practical) hairstyles that complement Hats and Fascinators/Hatinators are reviewed for ladies attending Spring Racing events in 2009.

Wide brim hats
Hair concealed under a wide brim hat should not be neglected. Dale Olsen, owner of The Hatbox boutique in Brisbane says, ‘The biggest faux pas women tend to make is wearing their hair down (if it is long) when wearing a brimmed hat. No matter how expensive her outfit or accessories, if she doesn't have her hair pinned back into a bun or French roll, she doesn't look well groomed.’

Also ensure that hair is clean. Greasy hair will take the shine out of a polished look.

Above: Chic chignons under wide brim hats.

The alternative to a hat is a Fascinator, a smaller, decorative headpiece attached to the hair with a comb, clip or elastic. Larger headpieces are known as Hatinators, a hybrid of the Fascinator and Hat. When selecting a hairstyle, it is important to consider the style of the headpiece e.g. delicate headpieces will be complemented with soft hairstyles, such as gentle curls and sleek headpieces complemented by neat, smooth hairstyles. Dale says, ‘The look these days is sleek and sophisticated, particularly if you're entering Fashions on the Field.’ Dale suggests a bun on the opposite side of the head to the Hatinator. The elastic of the Hatinator can then held down by the bun - practical and sleek looking.

Top Tip: Consider the attachment method of the headpiece, i.e. comb, clip, elastic or headband, when deciding on a hairstyle. For example, elastic is sometimes better worn with hair down so that it is concealed underneath the hair. For additional security of the headpiece, use bobby pins (that match your hair colour). Slip some bobby pins into your purse to prevent any hairstyle disasters throughout the day.

Above: This headpiece is softened by curled feathers, so the soft curls in this hairstyle work well.

Above: This flamboyant Hatinator is complemented with a loose side chignon. Pulling the hair low and to one side will balance a large Hatinator.

Above: The Hatinator worn here is sharper, requiring a streamlined hair style.

Top Tip: ‘The hairstyle is very important when wearing anything on your head and it's always a good idea to take your hat/fascinator with you to your hairdresser on the morning so she can see what she is working with’ says Dale. For short hair, Dale suggests putting the fascinator on first and then curling hair around it with curling tongs.

Still struggling to decide what hairstyle will work best with your hat? Why not fashion your hair into a hat or headpiece!

Above: Odile Gilbert creation for Jean-Paul Gaultier in his fall 2006 couture collection in Paris.

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