Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Melbourne Cycling Adventures - Southbank to St Kilda

Since I bought my husband a bike for Christmas last year, I have been on a mission to ensure that both of our bikes get used as much as possible. There are a reasonable number of bike lanes/paths in Melbourne, so there is really no excuse not to get out and enjoy the summer, as well as Melbourne!

Before I share our experiences, I have to caution on some cycling hazards in Melbourne:

1. Tram tracks – these nasty sunken snakes in the road, about the width of a bicycle wheel are an annoyance for all cyclists. Sadly, there was at least one fatal accident last year when a cyclist’s wheels became stuck in tram tracks. Riding perpendicular to the tracks is the key and never parallel over the top of them.
2. Car doors – Many a cyclist has gone over the handlebars and/or car door when a motorist has haphazardly swung open their car door into the traffic. Avoid this one by scanning cars ahead to see if there is anyone in them. If so, proceed with caution and be ready to slam on the brakes and shout.
3. Cars pulling out in front of you – In my experience, Taxis are the worst at this. Solution? An air horn. Better still, an air gun.

If you stick to cycle paths your trouble with any of the above will be limited.

A scenic, relaxing trip we recently discovered is from Southbank to St Kilda beach, via Port Melbourne. This trip can easily be done in an hour, cycling at a moderate rate. However, it is worth making an afternoon of it and taking the time to stop at St Kilda for a coffee, some lunch or a drink at the Espy.

1. From the Whiteman St Tram junction (corner of Claredon and Whiteman Street, behind Crown Casino) follow the cycle path until you reach the tram depot (approx 400 meters). The cycle path will turn into a footpath along Normanby Road, through the industrial part of South Melbourne.
2. Follow the footpath about half a kilometre until reaching Boundary Street.
3. Turn left into Boundary Street and no more than 100 meters on the opposite side of the road there is a reserve where the cycle path continues. Cross the road to join this.
4. Follow the cycle path all the way to Port Melbourne, this would be a good 1.5-2km.
5. Once in Port Melbourne, cross Beach Street to join the cycle path on the other side of the road. Town planning is at its best here with a cycle path for bikes and roller blades only and a separate path for walkers and joggers - just to keep everyone happy! Keep an eye out for the arrival or departure of the Spirit of Tasmania ferry that moors in Port Melbourne.
6. Follow the cycle path along Beach Street (which then turns into Beaconsfield Parade) until reaching St Kilda Catani Gardens. Cycle through the Gardens and stop for a drink or meal at Little Blue on St Kilda Pier or at the St Kilda Sea Baths. If you are feeling more adventurous, pop across the road for a drink at The Espy (The Esplanade Hotel) which is an institution for live music and gigs.

Above: The Espy (

Little Blue is named after the nearby colony of 1000 Little Blue Penguins and “boasts some of the best views in Melbourne, with its modern design, sleek interior and frameless/expansive windows to let you truly capture the moment. From watching the sun set on a warm night, to seeing the little penguins play amongst the rocks, or even watching the boats come in to dock.” (

Originally built in 1859, St Kilda Pier has a rich, intriguing history so it is worth taking the time to read the information boards surrounding the restaurant.

Above: St Kilda Pier (Craig Ward)

Sitting outside, sipping a glass of bubbles whilst eating fresh fish and chips is what summer is about. A couple of hours quickly slipped away for us one sunny Saturday afternoon whilst doing just that. The view is constantly changing and there is always something new to catch your attention.

So what next? Keep cycling through Elwood to the next beach suburb Brighton, head back to cool St Kilda for some drinks or back into town for a glamorous night out, the choice is yours.

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